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Meldinger - Cybersyn

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Generelt teknisk / Sv: Bare lurte...
« på: 21. April 2011, 00:59 am »
Okay, da TROR jeg at jeg har fått med meg hvordan man innstallerer SMF. Du uploader install.php til, ikke sant?

Arkiv / Sv: Spawnpunkter
« på: 21. April 2011, 00:45 am »
Og ikke minst:
/goto nether - hvis du vil dø

Arkiv / Sv: Spawnpunkter
« på: 21. April 2011, 00:43 am »
/warp her - for å komme hit

/warp mcdonalds - hvis du er sulten

/warp bajs - hvis du må på do

/warp bommber - hvis du vil ha en behagelig flytur til en gammel, tysk konsentrasjonsleir

I riktig rekkefølge :D

Arkiv / Sv: Spawnpunkter
« på: 21. April 2011, 00:36 am »
/WArp paradise (et gigantisk område med veldig mye bygd) :)
Blocked. Og nå kommer jeg meg ikke til huset mitt :'(

Arkiv / Auto-heal
« på: 17. April 2011, 22:36 pm »
Synes du det er plagsomt å ha igjen et halvt hjerte etter en blodig fight med zombie? Og du vil ikke ta /kill fordi inventoryet er fullt av verdisaker?

NB! Noen av alternativene er kanskje ikke tilgjengelig ute plugin.
Health Disabled: Evig liv
Peaceful: Autoheal på (normal speed)
Slow: Autoheal på, men flere timer før full (Utilgjengelig uten plugin) (tvilsom)
Hard: Autoheal av
Customizeable: Du kan velge selv autoheal-hastighet (bare for deg selv) ved hjelp av commands el. l. (Utilgjengelig)
+More SlowHealth features: Altitude etc. (Les mer på linken under:)

Tror SlowHealth kan virke.

Generelt teknisk / Sv: Bare lurte...
« på: 15. April 2011, 17:32 pm »
prøver MySQL Community Server. Men FTP/SCP sliter jeg litt med. "Host Name" er vel domene? men "Port"? og "username" og "Password? og "Private key file"?

Arkiv / Sv: Viktig For Alle!!!
« på: 14. April 2011, 19:47 pm »
Vet at jeg tar opp et gammelt emne, men har funnet litt mer informasjon:

Sitat fra: Dinnerbone
What is this?

Recently, a list of approximately 1,000 Minecraft accounts were compromised and leaked to the internet. We believe this to have come from a client modification which stole their account details.

You can read more about this here, and use the following form to check if you're on the list.

2011-03-17 update - list two

Another list was leaked on the 17th containing approximately 500~ more accounts. This tool has been updated and you may see if you are on the new list.

Sitat fra: EvilSeph
It has recently come to our attention that a list of Minecraft usernames and passwords have been posted online and we urge everyone to read the following announcement found on
Sitat fra: Firestar
We urge everyone in the Minecraft community to change their passwords ASAP. Please read below for tips on how to create a better password before doing so.

It recently came to our attention that a list of approximately 1,000 Minecraft account names and passwords were made freely available on the internet. We believe this list consists of information collected by a group of malicious users from a well known "griefing team". How the information in this list was obtained is not sure, but we suspect they collected them through the use of hacked clients that pretend to only give you extra features like flying or seeing through blocks but actually send your account information to the creators as well.

The first thing we did when we acquired this information was to inform Mojang of this crisis, however, we feel we can do a bit more for the community while we wait for them to handle the situation properly as we've learned that there's a high possibility that the griefing team is aware that their list has been made public. As such, we are going to be pre-emptively banning compromised accounts with an informative reason. Unfortunately, MCBans did not have a means of merely informing compromised accounts that their username and password have been discovered, so banning them with a brief message telling them so is the only option.

If there is ONE thing you read in this announcement, it should be this: we urge everyone to go and change their passwords NOW, keeping in mind the following tips on creating better passwords:
Passwords should not contain words found in the dictionary
Passwords should contain a mixture of upper and lowercase characters.
Passwords should contain a mixture of letters and numbers.
Passwords should contain punctuation characters and symbols such as: % & + - = #.
Choose a password you can remember but don't make it too easy.
Passwords should be at LEAST 8 characters in length, but 14 or more is preferable.
Please help us by sharing this information with everyone you know and getting them to change their passwords.
To see if you're one of the people on the list, use this site: Leaked Minecraft User List

However, we still encourage everyone to change their passwords anyway.

If you are on the list, please feel free to PM Dinnerbone with a list of 3rd party mods you use so we can figure out what mod it was (if it was any of the public ones found within the Minecraft community).

In light of this security issue, we feel it is time to make our CraftBukkit Recommended Builds public. We've been hard at work plugging up known exploits to prevent them from more easily griefing or taking down your server with whatever knowledge we have. As such, we are moving to make our Recommended Builds for CraftBukkit more official and known ASAP. We want everyone in the Minecraft community to benefit from the exploit fixes we've made to the Minecraft server by switching to Bukkit, until Mojang has dealt with things properly themselves. While we're still in talks with Mojang about licensing and their stance on Minecraft server modding, we feel this is a more than good enough reason to release our Recommended Builds to the public.

To download our latest Recommended Build, visit the following link: Recommended Build

Please note, if you are updating to the latest Recommended Build we cannot guarantee that all the plugins you currently use will work properly so you'll have to do your own testing locally or on a test server. If you're new to Bukkit, please feel free to join our community and ask for help with moving over.

Sitat fra: Kane
Edited Message:

I would like to add to this. Everyone including server admins should be copying and pasting this message on their forums to help spread the word.

The next thing to do is inform your users on how important it is not to download stupid silly hacks from the internet. Almost all the malware keyloggers and crap come from this.

In fact today maybe minutes ago someone on my server seam to have been infected by some kind of malware. It seams to insert it's self into chat conversations. I thought it was packet releated but then it would not make sense why it did not start till the person hit t button.. Notice how it's his where should be this.

Check a look at this image:

Now who knows if this is a Minecraft one but the best part of it was this links to a exe file that clearly is keylogger/malware.

SO EVEN MINECRAFT players are at risk so watch CHAT. Always tell players not to download files from other players. And if you download a texture pack make sure it's just images and not class files.

It's best to not download any client mods that are not from respectable authors who have been doing it for moths and NEVER download special modified mods from say other people in the threads and such. They might just be a trap waiting for you!

Sitat fra: Notch
Warning: Some malicious client mods are stealing passwords

When you install a mod, the mods gets full access to your computer, and can do ANYTHING to it.
Make sure you absolutely trust the source before installing any such mods.This applies to both server mods and client mods.

I don’t know which mods are the culprits.

When the modding support is added, there will be support for sandboxing mods to give them less access to important stuff. You can chose to trust a mod if you want to, and if it needs to do fancy things, but the default will be to run the mod sandboxed.

Generelt teknisk / Bare lurte...
« på: 12. April 2011, 16:34 pm »
Bare lurte på om noen har noen tips til hvordan hoste en minecraft-server.

Og noe annet: sette opp et SMF-forum (jeg også). Har du noen tips om hva slags MySQL, PHP og FTP man kan bruke? prøver med Apache.

Arkiv / Sv: Fredags Kos :D
« på: 15. Mars 2011, 17:06 pm »
det går ann å lage pvp-zones, pvp-arenaer etc. med
Kode: [Velg]
/region flag [navnpåregion] pvp allow

Arkiv / Sv: Ban
« på: 09. Mars 2011, 19:46 pm »
Du må skrive noe mer om hvorfor vi skal gjøre det, ikke bare
Unbann padda363
Hvis han er banna så er det sikkert en god grunn til det

Arkiv / Sv: Inventoryet Mitt Korupta
« på: 06. Mars 2011, 15:39 pm »
hvis det er en stone slab, har jeg samme problem.
det er fordi stone slabs har blitt litt annerledes i 1.3

Minecraft / Sv: Ny protection.
« på: 01. Mars 2011, 20:47 pm »
Her er litt mer info om protect og regions.

Hvis du har en by med en region som heter "kardemommeby" og du vil at "kasper, jesper og johnatann" kun kan bygge på en tomt eller en del av byen, kan du merke av tomten deres med treøks og skrive
Kode: [Velg]
/region define fengsel kasper jesper johnatannog så
Kode: [Velg]
/region setparent fengsel kardemommebyNå vil kasper jesper og johnatann kun bygge i (ødelegge) fengselet

Expand Selection:
Hvis du har merket av for lite område, kan du utvide det med
Kode: [Velg]
//expandHvis du skriver
Kode: [Velg]
//expand 20 upvil selection'en din "vokse" 20 blocks opp, og hvis du skriver
Kode: [Velg]
//expand 10 15 upvokser den 10 blocks opp og 15 blocks ned.
For å få den til å vokse til siden, må du bruke kompassretninger, men nå som /compass ikke virker kan det bli litt vanskelig, men uansett:
Kode: [Velg]
//expand 10 n
Kode: [Velg]
//expand 10 s
Kode: [Velg]
//expand 10 w
Kode: [Velg]
//expand 10 eDa vokser den 10 blocks nor, sør, vest eller øst.
n=nor, s=sør, w=vest, e=øst.

Hvis du ikke gidder å grave deg helt ned til bedrock og bygge deg til max høyde for å protecte helt sikkert, kan du skrive
Kode: [Velg]
//expand vertetter at du har merket av et område, for å utvide den til bedrock og max høyde.

Arkiv / Sv: The Buggy Nether
« på: 10. Februar 2011, 16:03 pm »
Har funnet en bug. Alle protects fra normal, kommer på de samme kordinatene i nether, dvs. hvis du protecter i normal, så kommer protecten på samme kordinat i nether, og hvis du protecter i nether (som ikke er lov) vil protecten komme på samme kordinater i normal, så da blir det enda mer problematisk.
Pluss at netherspawn er inni en block (en kiste), og /goto nether er i flammer, så man dør med en gang man kommer dit, men jeg har satt en warp /warp nether som er (nesten) trygg.

Arkiv / Sv: Libertycity
« på: 20. Januar 2011, 19:17 pm »
Jeg forslår en kompromissløsning med mur rundt HALVE byen ;-)
og cake blocks rundt den andre halvdelen :D
det er fred!

Peace of a cake!

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