Skrevet av Emne: Linux: Building VMware-tools kernel modules on SuSE  (Lest 2428 ganger)


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Linux: Building VMware-tools kernel modules on SuSE
« på: 27. ſeptember 2008, 18:24 pm »
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  • When running "" on a SuSE linux guest, you get all sorts of error messages, ultimately preventing you from using the vmware kernel modules.


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    [Solved] Linux: Building VMware-tools kernel modules on SuSE
    « Svar #1 på: 27. ſeptember 2008, 18:24 pm »
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  • First of all, make sure you have installed the kernel-devel package with the exact same kernel version as you are running. Verify this using the commands
    "uname -a" and "rpm -qa | grep kernel"

    Proceed to the directory "/usr/src" and make a symlink called "linux" pointing to the correct source version (there may be several ones)
    Example: "ln -s linux- linux"

    Now, type the following commands:
    "cd /usr/src/linux"
    "make cloneconfig"
    "make modules_prepare"

    Finally, try "" again.