Skrevet av Emne: Sv: Basic Info  (Lest 17674 ganger)


  • Gjest
Sv: Basic Info
« på: 22. Februar 2012, 14:05 pm »
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    8. hour. xPPP:PPPpppPPpPpPPpPpPPppPPPp

    Utlogget joyjoy98

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    « Svar #1 på: 22. Februar 2012, 21:22 pm »
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  • hi im wandering if i can be a part of the english section i can guarantee that the server will be used a lot, but i can't type every thing that has been typed to the forum. Although i can do it if i have time. ;D :D

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    « Svar #2 på: 22. Februar 2012, 22:17 pm »
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  • hi im wandering if i can be a part of the english section i can guarantee that the server will be used a lot, but i can't type every thing that has been typed to the forum. Although i can do it if i have time. ;D :D

    Firt of all:
    - Capital "i"
    - Capital letter in the beginning of a sentence.
    - Not "every thing", but "everything"

    Secound: What do you mean with "if" you can be a part for the english section on the server? You're already able to post here..

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget joyjoy98

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    « Svar #3 på: 23. Februar 2012, 14:11 pm »
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  • Sure, Emil it won't happen again.
    Although your English writing skills are incredibly good.

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Basic Info
    « Svar #4 på: 29. Mai 2012, 08:51 am »
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  • Anywho, back to topic. I just wanted to mention that if you're a player and would like do join our forum, you need to have exactly the same username on the forum as on the server. -Remember Lower case and upper case letters. Then log into, and type this command: "/approve <username>". All done! Now you can spam the forum as well :D
    If you're not a player on minecraft, signing up will still work, but it's a very, very slow process. One of the forum administrators have to accept you manually.

    Playing on the server:
    If you at any time need help by an operator, don't nag in the chat. We've got a ticket-system for it (the petition-plugin).
    To get help from an operator, simply type inn "/pe open <Description of what you need help for>". If you need help to place water, type "/pe open I need water here". There's no need to ask an operator to come to the location, because operators have the opportunity to warp to the place the petition was made. Again, don't nag about your petition, the operators will help you when they get time.

    The server is a creative/survival, child-friendly server. Therefore there's several kits you can give yourself. Too see the entire list, simply type in /kit on the server. As an example, you can type "/kit starterkit" which will give you a diamond picaxe, an iron axe and shovel.

    It's mandatory to protect what you've buildt with the region-plugin on the server. First, get a wooden picaxe by giving yourself the optools-kit. Then left click the lower corner of the structure you're trying to protect. Then right-click the opposite-top corner. Type "/rg claim <name of the region>". An example: "/rg claim Emilpoikas_hus".
     If you've done it correctly, there will be a message in yellow saying "Region 'Emilpoikas_hus' saved". If not, a red message will apperar. If you need more help, there will be more instructions at "/warp region". For now there's only a Norwegian step-by-step explanation for how to make a region. Hopefully there will be an English version, with the warp "/warp region_eng" soon.
    « Siste redigering: 29. Mai 2012, 09:47 am av Emilpoika »

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget ramo242

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    « Svar #5 på: 18. August 2012, 18:49 pm »
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  • Operators:

    Emilpoika is an oparator now,and DwarfBear is not an Op..


    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    « Svar #6 på: 06. Januar 2013, 20:17 pm »
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  • Anywho, back to topic. I just wanted to mention that if you're a player and would like do join our forum, you need to have exactly the same username on the forum as on the server. -Remember Lower case and upper case letters. Then log into, and type this command: "/approve <username>". All done! Now you can spam the forum as well :D

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?


    • Gjest
    Sv: Basic Info
    « Svar #7 på: 07. Januar 2013, 01:20 am »
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  • Gi faen å skriv på oldgamle poster' a....

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    « Svar #8 på: 07. Januar 2013, 12:17 pm »
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  • Gi faen å skriv på oldgamle poster' a....
    You really don't get the point of a fourum, do you?. THe forum is not a chat-room.
    « Siste redigering: 27. Januar 2013, 13:11 pm av Emilpoika »

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?


    • Gjest
    Sv: Basic Info
    « Svar #9 på: 07. Januar 2013, 14:41 pm »
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  • Mange som også bruker forum som "chatterom", men poenget mitt er: var det virkeligt nødvendig å skrive noe som helst på denne gamle posten ?

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    « Svar #10 på: 07. Januar 2013, 16:28 pm »
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  • Mange som også bruker forum som "chatterom", men poenget mitt er: var det virkeligt nødvendig å skrive noe som helst på denne gamle posten ?
    Yes. The forum-thread was full of information, but the most important information - how to become a member of the forum - was being hidden among all the other stuff. There are English players on the server, and I though I was going to link this thread to him/her. Then I noticed that it would be best to choose this exact part og my post, so that everything would be simpler for anyone having a look for that very important piece of information.
    The point is that a forum-thread can be useful, even if it's old..
    « Siste redigering: 27. Januar 2013, 13:22 pm av Emilpoika »

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget ramo242

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    « Svar #11 på: 26. Januar 2013, 23:52 pm »
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  • Gi f**n å skriv på oldgamle poster' a....
    Koffor ska du vær å frekk i kjeften, unge mann?



    • Gjest
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    « Svar #12 på: 27. Januar 2013, 01:48 am »
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  • Når begynte du å bry deg, lillevenn?
    Eg banner da ofte på forumet uten at noen som helst gidder å bry seg.

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    « Svar #13 på: 27. Januar 2013, 13:13 pm »
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  • I think it would be best if norwayguy removed all posts/spitted the thread from mrthewils post (07. Januar 2013, 01:20 »)

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget norwayguy

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    « Svar #14 på: 28. Januar 2013, 19:06 pm »
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  • On it :)