Skrevet av Emne: Nameserver (named) stops running without a trace  (Lest 4730 ganger)


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Nameserver (named) stops running without a trace
« på: 27. ſeptember 2008, 18:24 pm »
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  • This article describes a possible solution to the problem where a fully functional, correctly configured DNS server suddenly dies without any explanation.


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    [Solved] Nameserver (named) stops running without a trace
    « Svar #1 på: 27. ſeptember 2008, 18:24 pm »
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  • The server process may be dying because a malicious user is attempting to exploit a vulnerability in BIND versions prior to version 8.2.2_P3-1.

    This vulnerability has the potential to grant root permissions to a remote attacker. Take immediate steps to update your nameserver to version 8.2.2_P3-1 or higher, before the system is compromised.