Skrevet av Emne: AMANDA: selfcheck request failed: timeout waiting for ACK  (Lest 10984 ganger)


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  • Dropping a new backup target running CentOS 5.2 into an existing AMANDA environment, I have installed amanda-client. When running 'amcheck DailySet1' on the AMANDA server, I get the following error:

    "selfcheck request failed: timeout waiting for ACK"


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    [Solved] AMANDA: selfcheck request failed: timeout waiting for ACK
    « Svar #1 på: 26. Mars 2009, 06:48 am »
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  • On the new backup target, do the following:
    1. "su - amanda"
    2. edit ".amandahosts" like so (replacing with the proper FQHN):
    localhost amanda
    localhost.localdomain amanda
    amserver amanda amserver
    3. "exit"
    4. Use "ntsysv" to enable the "amanda" service (client)
    5. "service xinetd reload" to make the change effective immediately
    6. Now try "amcheck" again, if you're not using anything fancy like encryption or firewalls it should work.