Teknisk => Generelt teknisk => Emne startet av: ATC på 17. Januar 2011, 16:59 pm

Tittel: Linux: Log a telnet session
Skrevet av: ATC17. Januar 2011, 16:59 pm
How to log a telnet session? I tried '-n tracefile' but it only produces an empty file.
Tittel: [Solved] Linux: Log a telnet session
Skrevet av: ATC17. Januar 2011, 16:59 pm
I googled around for a bit and found a neat article:

Rather than building logging into your telnet application, why not build a wrapper that you can use with any program? That's what 'script' is. Just run the command and tell it where to output the data.

"script -c "telnet" /tmp/output.log"