Skrevet av Emne: "I want to be unbanned"-applications  (Lest 10292 ganger)

Utlogget Emilpoika

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"I want to be unbanned"-applications
« på: 29. Mai 2012, 00:26 am »
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  • This is a thread where you can search to be unbanned from the server, and possibly get an answer.
    Read the "Har du blitt bannet? LES DETTE!"-post on first.(Mayby I'll translate it some day, but for now Google translate will do good enough)
    You might also get an explanation why you're banned if you aren't entirely sure why you were banned, but to avoid unnecessary amounts of posts we appreciate if you search for unban at the same time ;)

    In short terms:
    • If the operators bother to read what you've written and voted over it, you might me unbanned. (Primary, it's the operator that banned you that get the last word on the matter)
    • Write a detailed explanation about the reason for your griefing
    • If you say you griefed something, because you weren't aware that your actions was against the rules, you might remain unbanned. It's actually a rule to read the rules.
    • It doesn't help getting someone else to complain on the server for you, if you do your odds of the operators bother to unbann you will plumit

    Use this list for your application.
    • When were you banned?
    • Why were you banned
    • Why do you mean you should be unbanned?
    • Have you read (usinggoogle translate, for english players)
    Remember, this is your shot to tell your side of the story. Don't waste it with complaining, those post won't be answered and will ruin your chances. 
    -Write properly!

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget manofdestiny

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    Sv: "I want to be unbanned"-applications
    « Svar #1 på: 23. Juni 2012, 21:06 pm »
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  • Hi im manofdestiny,

    when were you banned: about 1yr ago
    why were you banned: because i sweard
    why do you think you should be unbanned: to help people on the server and to have fun on the best server (atc)
    have you read yes i have read it

    have a good day :D

    good wishes

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: "I want to be unbanned"-applications
    « Svar #2 på: 24. Juni 2012, 05:50 am »
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  • You've already sent in an application, and your reply will be the same in the Norwegian section of the forum.
    Delete your post, please.

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget SmokeyNaruto

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    Sv: "I want to be unbanned"-applications
    « Svar #3 på: 26. Juni 2012, 16:12 pm »
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  • I don't really think he is ever gonna delete that post.

    Smoking is fun :D

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: "I want to be unbanned"-applications
    « Svar #4 på: 27. Juni 2012, 15:44 pm »
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  • SmokeyNaruto, thsi thread is for Unbanning-applications, and answers on them. It doesn't help that you post here as well.
    Delete your post, please.

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?