Skrevet av Emne: CGI scripts can't retrieve HTML docs using lynx  (Lest 4664 ganger)


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CGI scripts can't retrieve HTML docs using lynx
« på: 27. ſeptember 2008, 18:24 pm »
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  • CGI scripts sometimes uses the text based command line browser "lynx" to retrieve remote documents. After a major Apache upgrade lynx would no longer work, instead exiting with an uninformative "/xxxxx: Access denied" where xxxxx is a random string of characters.


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    [Solved] CGI scripts can't retrieve HTML docs using lynx
    « Svar #1 på: 27. ſeptember 2008, 18:24 pm »
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  • Lynx is unable to create a temporary file. The home directory of the apache/nobody user is invalid or refers to a directory where apache/nobody doesn't have write permissions. Manually edit "/etc/passwd", it should look something like this:
