First, download and install the newest version of openldap, plus the client and servers RPM. If you don't use RH Linux, download and compile the appropriate tarball.
Edit /etc/openldap/ldap.conf: (substitute with your data)
BASE dc=atc, dc=no
PORT 389
Edit /etc/openldap/slapd.conf, set the following:
suffix "dc=atc, dc=no"
rootdn "cn=floyd, dc=atc, dc=no"
rootpw xxxxxxx (cleartext password)
Start your DLSP server:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ldap start
Now you have to manually add the root entry to your LDAP directory. Create a file called "ldif" and substitute with your data:
dn: dc=atc, dc=no
dc: atc
o: Ano-Tech Computers
objectclass: organization
objectclass: dcObject
dn: cn=floyd, dc=atc, dc=no
cn: floyd
sn: floyd
objectclass: person
Now run:
ldapadd -D "cn=floyd, dc=atc, dc=no" -W < ldif
For manually testing and editing directory contents, download "LDAP Browser/Editor 2.8.1" from are the attributes Novell use in their NDS, I found that Outlook Express understands quite a few of them:
# SCHEMA: inetOrgPerson
# audio
# businessCategory
# carLicense
# departmentNumber
# employeeNumber
# employeeType
# givenName
# homePhone
# homePostalAddress
# initials
# jpegPhoto
# labeledUri
# mail
# manager
# mobile
# pager
# ldapPhoto
# preferredLanguage
# #roomNumber
# secretary
# uid
# userCertificate
# userSMIMECertificate
# x500UniqueIdentifier
# displayName
# SCHEMA: resedentialPerson:
# businessCategory
# x121Address
# registeredAddress
# destinationIndicator
# preferredDeliveryMethod
# telexNumber
# teletexTerminalIdentifier
# telephoneNumber
# internationaliSDNNumber
# facsimileTelephoneNumber
# SA
# postOfficeBox
# postalCode
# postalAddress
# physicalDeliveryOfficeName
# S
# L
source:, here's how to add your LDAP server in Outlook Express:
Tools | Accounts
Add | Directory Service
Now open the properties, select "advanced" and specify the search base. I use "dn: dc=atc, dc=no"