Skrevet av Emne: Minecraft Pjatt  (Lest 1128972 ganger)

Utlogget Emilpoika

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Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
« Svar #1950 på: 15. Mars 2013, 23:36 pm »
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  • Men snart er den kanskje brukbar igjen
    Jeg trodde delen enda ikke hadde kommet fram? Når ble den bestillt?

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget Amypia

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1951 på: 16. Mars 2013, 02:23 am »
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  • Den kom på torsdag, og skal fikses i morgen :)

    "Insert a deep and meaningful quote here"

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1952 på: 29. Mars 2013, 22:20 pm »
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  • Nå tar jeg kvelden...

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget argh99

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1953 på: 08. April 2013, 16:54 pm »
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  • Skjer lite her nå for tiden :p


    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1954 på: 08. April 2013, 17:07 pm »
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  • Ja. Travel tid nå.
    Er inne på serveren i ny og ne ;)

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget ramo242

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1955 på: 20. April 2013, 15:47 pm »
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    Kaken er ikke en løgn, fordi jeg bakte en akuratt nå! (I MC, altså.)


    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1956 på: 20. April 2013, 17:55 pm »
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  • Jeg har faktisk bakt portal-kaken IRL... to ganger!
    "The cake is not a lie, but the promise about getting it is"

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1957 på: 21. April 2013, 13:30 pm »
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  • "TrueView in-stream ads"-Monetisation fra disse videoene:
    har blitt fjernet. Ble litt dumt å be folk sjekke dem, også må de se på reklame før de kan få se vidoen XD

    Edit: Tenkte kanskje æ sku lage en ny Thumbnail for dæm, slik at det ikke bare e chat. Noen idea?

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1958 på: 01. Mai 2013, 15:20 pm »
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  • Hvordan gå som din minecraft-avatar:

    (Bildet funker også som link til youtube-videoen)
    « Siste redigering: 01. Mai 2013, 15:24 pm av Emilpoika »

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget ramo242

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1959 på: 02. Mai 2013, 19:11 pm »
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  • Fænsi pænsi


    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1960 på: 22. Juli 2013, 22:34 pm »
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  • Jeg spiller nesten aldri minecraft med lyd, og i dag ble jeg sjokkert. Det er nemlig først nå at jeg hørte en villager XD

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget ramo242

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1961 på: 22. Juli 2013, 23:08 pm »
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  • Jeg spiller nesten aldri minecraft med lyd, og i dag ble jeg sjokkert. Det er nemlig først nå at jeg hørte en villager XD



    Utlogget Emilpoika

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1962 på: 23. August 2013, 12:29 pm »
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  • Tror alle OPs har ventet på dette leeenge nok, og det er nesten magisk:

    "So much time on ATC alone, and yet I've never been to me."
    "Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso facto half not be. But half the bee has got to be, vis-à-vis its entity - d'you see? But can a bee be said to be or not to be an entire bee when half the bee is not a bee, due to some ancient injury?

    Utlogget ramo242

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1963 på: 23. August 2013, 14:35 pm »
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  • Tror alle OPs har ventet på dette leeenge nok, og det er nesten magisk:

    Jeg skal ødelegge det for dere.


    Utlogget ramo242

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    Sv: Minecraft Pjatt
    « Svar #1964 på: 21. ſeptember 2013, 12:51 pm »
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  • Det hadde vært kult hvis man kunne ha kittet en bestemt farge ull, og fått kanskje 2 stacks av det.